E-Research is important in the context of Climate Change Research, choice modeling and Legal Research - including the Australian Legal Information Institute, AUSLII, which has compiled over 525 databases, all from from all Australasian jurisdictions.
E-Research also plays an important role in humanities research and has seen the rise of the "Digital Humanities". Federal investment in the Digital Humanities in Australia has funded the Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI). HuNI is NeCTAR funded and is one of the first large scale eResearch Infrastructure projects for the humanities in Australia. The project will integrate a number of important cultural data-sets in Australia and will also build what is termed a Virtual Research Environment’ (VRE). A VRE or ‘Virtual Lab’ is online environment of tools and services to allow specialist researchers to come together to perform certain computational research tasks with the possibility of uncovering new insights into Australia’s cultural landscape.
The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (AADH) was formed in March 2011. The inaugural Secretary is Craig Bellamy. Their "Resources" page is useful.
Journals include The Fibreculture Journal, which recently published FCJ20, a special edition on "Network Utopias" edited by Su Ballard (Otago / University of Wollongong), Zita Joyce (Canterbury) and Lizzie Muller (UTS).
Other resources and events in Australia include:
- THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp), an “unconference” that brings together the technologies and humanities. THATCamp Brisbane will take place on Saturday 25 August 2012.
- The Australian Media History Database, a portal for all aspects of research into the history of the media in Australia.
- The Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC).
- Wragge Labs - Digital Tools for Historians
- The ANU Digital Humanities Hub - aims to critically engage with the use of digital technology.
- Lev Manovich's work on Data Visualization.
- Textvre (UK) aims to "support the complete lifecycle of research in e-Humanities textual studies.
- Project Bamboo (international- including ANU) is facilitating the collaborative curation of digital texts by building services and connecting tools.
- The Townsend Humanities Lab (berkeley) offers a community driven suite of digital tools to support interdisciplinary collaboration.
- MIT Media Lab: Applies an unorthodox research approach to envision the impact of emerging technologies on everyday life—technologies that promise to fundamentally transform our most basic notions of human capabilities.
- ALiVE, the Applied Laboratory for Interactive Visualization and Embodiment, is an interdisciplinary research initiative of the City University of Hong Kong School of Creative Media. It is an incubator and innovations showcase for new forms of creativity, whose challenge led programs are at the cutting edge of digital media in society.
- The Virginia Library's Scholars Lab.
Department of Digital Humanities and the Centre for eResearch at Kings College London. The DDH is interested in the application of technology in the arts and humanities, and in the social sciences.
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