See these maps at:
Newtown Community Garden
Corner of Longdown and Stephen streetsNewtown NSW 2042
(In the grounds of the Carter Evans Day Centre)
A compact community garden on City of Sydney land, it consists of small plots and shared gardening areas, raised garden beds of wooden sleepers, a pond, rainwater tank and composting facilities
Angel Street Permaculture Garden
Corner Angel and Harold streetsNewtown NSW 2042(on land belonging to the high school)
A one hectare shared communal garden consisting mainly of trees with edible fruit and nuts or producing other useful materials, with a small area for vegetable cultivation. The garden is open every Sunday from 11am to 1pm except in summer when it opens between 10 am - 12 pm. Members have access during daylight hours seven days a week.
Alexandria Park Community School & Community Centre
Corner Buckland Street and Park Road
The community garden is located in the grounds of the community centre as well as at the end of the nearby football field. It has both shared garden areas and plots for individuals. There is an annual Permablitz community construction day. Installations include raised gardens for vegetables and herbs, fruit trees, compost production and a small aquaponic demonstration system
The Luncheon Club Eden Garden
56A Raglan Street
Waterloo NSW 2017
Started as the Waterloo Community Garden in 1991 by a community worker associated with the church, the garden is used primarily for horticultural therapy and includes vegetable production, chickens and composting. With Angel Street Permaculture Garden, this is one of Sydney’s older community gardens.
cnr of Raglan and Pitt streets
Waterloo NSW 2017
Poet's Corner Community Garden
Moorehead Street
Redfern NSW 2016
Greg Hewish Memorial Garden
Corner of Ogden Lane and Marriott StreetRedfern NSW 2016(In the small park on the Cnr Ogden Lane and Marriott Street)
A community garden of 12 plots in raised, brick garden beds producing vegetables and culinary herbs. The garden features fruit trees, composting facilities and rainwater tank on church land.
James Street Reserve
Corner of James Street and Young Lane
Redern NSW 2016
A small grant was obtained from the City of Sydney and gardeners designed and built the community garden themselves. Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, opened the garden in late 2010.
Charles Kernan Reserve
Located on City of Sydney land and opened in late 2010, Charlie’s is a small garden where food is grown in raised, recycled brick garden beds.

Sustainable Chippendale Street Verge Community Gardens
On street verges along Myrtle Street and adjacent streets.
Chippendale NSW 2008
Assisted by the City of Sydney through the Sustainable Streets-Sustainable Communities Demonstration Project, the City’s Community Garden Policy and the City’s Waste Projects Coordinator, the street verge gardens were initiated by local people and are supplied with compost from the adjacent community composting bins. Citrus, avocado, pawpaw and other fruit trees as well as fruiting, edible shrubs and vegetables, herbs, native and exotic plants have been planted between established street trees. The gardens are irrigated by rainwater runoff from the roofs of adjacent houses.
Glebe Community Garden
Corner of Derwent Lane and St Johns Road
Glebe NSW 2037
The garden is a community venture on land owned by the Anglican Church.
McKee Street Reserve
between McKee and Wattle streets
Ultimo NSW 2007
Approved by council in late 2010, the garden was awarded a City of Sydney Matching Grant to cover start-up costs. The garden team produced a management and a works plan and the garden was built by the gardeners themselves. Construction was completed by the end of June 2011.
Arthur Street Community Verge Garden
In late 2011, the City of Sydney handed over a planter in the Arthur Street road closure to community management following a request from local residents who have now established vegetables and other plants in it. The conversion to community management was enabled under the City’s Community Garden Policy as a street verge community garden. Although the planter is small it forms a focus for local community activity for participants in the project.
Foster Street Verge Gardens, Surry Hills
Premises of the Asylum Seeker Centre
38 Nobbs Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Established in 2008 through a grant from the City of Sydney, the garden grows fruit and vegetables, has a hive of native bees and teaches asylum seekers the principles of permaculture design. In 2010, an additional grant from the City of Sydney enabled the establishment of a bush tucker garden in the front yard. The next phase of the project, called Permaculture for the People, will connect asylum seekers with community organisations and initiatives.
The small garden provides opportunities for socialisation. Participants meet weekly on Tuesday afternoons.
Bourke Street Park
Bourke Street
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
(just northwards of the Cathedral Street intersection)
Located on NSW government land managed by the City of Sydney, the garden started in late 2011.
Woolloomooloo Community Garden
Corner of Dowling Street and Sydney Place
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
With both shared gardening space and plots, the community garden occupies part of a multiple-use public open space. Included are fruit trees, vegetables, herbs and composting. Water harvested from the roof of the bamboo-construction shelter is stored in a rainwater tank. Coffee grown in the community garden was roasted by a nearby coffee processor, producing what may be Woolloomooloo’s first coffee crop.
(close to herbarium and administrative building off Lady Macquaries Road)
A garden exhibiting many of the food crops brought by the first fleet of colonists to Australia in 1788. Included are grains, vegetables, citrus, coffee and figs. Opposite is a garden exhibiting the landscape and plant types the colonists found when they settled at Sydney Cove, many of which were used by Aborigines for food and materials.